Hawaiian Geomancy
A 3-Hour Workshop
Aloha! Hawaiian Geomancy is the study of listening to Life in the currents of the land, winds, and waters — our original home. Today, we apply this listening to our houses, places of work, or anywhere we want to feel supported by a natural flow of energy.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
8a.m. Hawai'i Time • via Zoom
This 3 hour workshop will offer a window into the indigenous worldview, providing a new perspective on our homes and offices. You will receive an introduction into the Principles of Hawaiian Geomancy, details of how energy moves through the space, supportive diagrams, and a variety of ways to adjust your space for optimum well-being.
Hawaiian Geomancy takes us on a journey of discovery, fostering a new way to experience the natural world in all of our environments. These classes will open up pathways of discovery inside each of us.
Topics Covered
We will explore ways in which our physical environments affect our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. Transforming our perception from a physical structure to a Living Being brings us closer to our original relationship with nature. We are given the opportunity to re-calibrate the way we move physically to encompass a natural ease of movement, resulting in a more harmonious flow on all other levels of our being.
We open up to a living relationship with our inner selves and with all aspects our our lives: relationships, finances, support from friends & family, and balance in our daily lives.
Join us to:
• Uncover your own Harmonious Flow in Life
• Increase Abundance in Finances, Joy, Beauty, Inspiration, Connection
• Enhance or Attract Meaningful Relationships
• Strenthen Your Spiritual Connection
• Restore Peace in the Family
• Harmonize conflicting elements
• Support Optimum Health
Materials Required
• Notebook
• Rough Floor Plan of your Home or Office
• Photos of problem areas (if any)