Living In Wonder • Ongoing Access

Session 1 • KAONA

According to the Ancients, we exist on many different depths of Being. Some are hidden from us until we develop the ears to hear, the eyes to see!

The Integration Exercise today will offer avenues of attention to reveal more kaona inside of our own being.

Session 2 • The Body Is Alive

The Ancient Hawaiians believed that the most profound truths of our being were found deep within the cells of our body. Much more than a ‘machine’ requiring the right food, rest and exercise, the body, according to Ancient Wisdom, is a living, breathing, light-filled intelligence far beyond the conscious mind.

The Integration Exercise will offer the possibility of beginning to access this wisdom — opening the living pathways from the profound intelligence of the body, to the mind.

Session 3 • Everything is Family

Today, we explore our familial relationship with all of Life, including our inner world. We may have been taught to ‘manage’ our thoughts and emotions according to some social, moral or religious code — encouraging some and banishing others.

The Integration Exercise will give us an opportunity to shift the resonance of relationship with ourselves — recognizing the embrace of the inseparable ‘Ohana (Family) that we are.

Session 4 • Ancient Navigation

The Ancients offer us the navigation of the ‘Natural Order’ in our internal world. This can be particularly helpful when we start opening up to ‘Ohana (Family Members) that have not been recognized for a long time. How do we find the most helpful and compassionate way to allow everything to rise, and not become overwhelmed?

The Integration Exercise gives us more opportunity to listen, and to recognize any patterns of navigation we may have been cultivating.

Session 5 • The One Being That You Are

The Ancients offer us the navigation of the ‘Natural Order’ in our internal world. This can be particularly helpful when we start opening up to ‘Ohana (Family Members) that have not been recognized for a long time. How do we find the most helpful and compassionate way to allow everything to rise, and not become overwhelmed?

The Integration Exercise gives us more opportunity to listen, and to recognize any patterns of navigation we may have been cultivating.

Session 6 • Limitlessness

The Ancients knew that the matter we observe is actually unlimited. Similarly, in the trajectory of our lives, our limited perceptions are the only thing holding us back from our full potential.

The Integration Exercise asks us to dive into an exploration of listening to The Unknown through the body.

Session 7 • Infinite Possibility

The Ancients recognized the intimate relationship between our Internal Navigation and the world we experience on the ‘outside’. Our inner motion returns to us as outer motion.

The Integration Exercise offers an empowerment. We are guided to claim the energy of our responses to Life, and include more aspects of ourselves into our experience.

Session 8 • Life Meeting Life

As we navigate the world on the Kaona of Life Itself, we begin to recognize that we are participating in a perpetual ‘meeting’ with the very same Life in different forms.

The Integration Exercise encourages the deep listening of ‘open attention’ as we spend time with Nature.

Session 9 • The Present Moment

Ancient Wisdom tells us that The Present Moment is only place we can truly and fully inhabit. Our minds can live in the past or the future, but the work guides us to actual Life, which is only here, now.

The Integration Exercise today guides us back to the body as a portal of awareness to the Now.

Session 10 • The Head of The Household

Internal Navigation offers ‘The Head of The Household’ as the aspect of The Great Mystery that guides us. It is the spark of Life Eternal, awake in our cells.

The Integration Exercise today brings us into an attentiveness to our emerging ‘Head of Our Household’.

Session 11 • Center of The Universe

This Ancient principle acknowledges that our perception shapes our world — in part by being the landing point of every moment of our lives. We exist at the Center.

The Integration Exercise today guides us into a discovery of what else we may have (conceptually) placed at the Center of Our Universe, and how that might be affecting our lives.

Session 12 • Center of The Center

The kaona of listening in this work brings us into a new Paradigm of attention where the mind cannot follow. There is no ‘sense’ to be made of simple and seemingly inconsequential sensations. As we continue however, ‘The Center of the Center’ begins to rise through us in a new language, informing our lives with a clarity that comes from the Ground of our Being.

The Integration Exercise today guides us to an exploration of what we have considered to be our foundations, and opening to The Unknown.

Session 13 • Life Is Speaking

Ancient Wisdom tells us that the Life in All Being is always speaking to us. Cellularly, we are renewing 2 million cells every second. The kaona of Creation is always brand new! Where we are listening from in our conscious attention, will determine what we see.

Our Integration Exercise brings us to an attentiveness to this Speaking. We are guided to notice how the Life inside of us rises as we go through our day.

Session 14 • The Unwanted

Ancient Wisdom offers potent tools to meet the undulations of life. As we learn how to move with the pure Life inside of us, we can meet more of the Living Moment in any circumstance.

The Integration Exercise today offers us a chance to uncover a deeper kaona of some of our current or recent challenges, and to see them from a new place.

Session 15 • We Are Mostly Space

Ancient Wisdom guides us to the Mystery of Spirit in all Being. Modern science, just beginning to touch this reality, can now prove that matter is made of 99.9999999% space. This includes our body!

The Integration Exercise today asks us to expand our awareness beyond the .0000001% we normally pay attention to, and to begin to digest that our being and our reality is open space.

*Here is the Science Alert article that was mentioned in the session.

Session 16 • Our Essential Resonance

The Ancients knew that every aspect of our Being emits a frequency. As we vibrate these frequencies out into the world, it is Our Essential Resonance that reverberates back to us. How do we open to allow our Resonance to be informed more by The Mystery and not simply our conditioning?

The Integration Exercise today brings more awareness to our Essential Resonance and how it both springs from and influences our Internal Family (‘Ohana).

Session 17 • Remembering

The Ancient principle: ‘What You Remember, Remembers You’ is always available. When we begin to recognize (or remember) the pure Life that we are, this Life responds!

The Integration Exercise today brings us back to our original innocent embodiment, and asks us to rest in that for a while.

Session 18 • Navigating The World

Ancient Wisdom is timeless. We can apply the principles to daily personal challenges as well as national and global events. Every moment is an opportunity to be in discovery, to metabolize our feelings, and to shift our frequency.

The Integration Exercise today asks us to meet an evocative social movement, and gives us an opportunity to face any way in which we have participated in that frequency.

Session 19 • Care

The Ancients tell us that we are made of The Sacred. As we begin to honor The Body Consciousness, we learn to care for it as an awake and alive Being.

The Integration Exercise today gives us the opportunity to notice the way we move in caring for our Body Consciouness, and invites us into ways of nurturing and strengthening this Being from a deeper kaona.

Session 20 • Impacting The World

The Ancient Principle ‘Everything is connected with everything else’ allows us to be in intimate communion with all Being. As we cultivate this relationship with Life inside of us, we affect the resonance of all that we touch.

The Integration Exercise invites us to pose a profound question to Life.

Session 21 • Aloha!

The Ancients offer us new ways of seeing ourselves and the world. They guide us to a place of unity inside ourselves, as a doorway to a new world unfolding through us. This embodied wisdom offers us an opportunity to step into the Resonance of a New Paradigm.

This path embraces the full spectrum of who we are in this Life — from our seemingly separate bodies and experiences, to our Union as One Being. This work guides us to the embodiment of Aloha. There are many definitions, but one I find very close to this work is: “The acceptance of everything inside of us, and compassion for all that exists.”

By meeting ourselves on deeper and deeper levels, and holding all of who we are in a loving embrace, we step more naturally into a Living Compassion for all beings.

Ke Ala Hōkū — The Pathway to the Stars is an invitation home to Source inside of us, and an opening to the Kaona in ourselves that can reveal the path!

Mahalo Nui Loa for joining me in this deep journey. Much Gratitude to each of you for your willingness to dive into these potentially unknown waters. I wish you ever-deepening ways of allowing Life to move you more and more towards the joy and expansion of ‘Living In Wonder’!

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