
Below you will find 5 Classes of 'Transmuting Chaos' recorded in November of 2024. It is recommended that you view one class per week and complete the homework suggestions for optimum absorbtion!


November 1, 2024

Introduction • Kaona • Internal 'Ohana

Ancient Wisdom guides us to step outside of our habitual perspective and into a deep connection with the Living Universe inside of ourselves — the place which shares resonance with all of Life.


• Just before you go to bed, invite the members of your Internal 'Ohana you identified today, to come closer to you and to tell you more about themselves. You may have a dream, or wake up with a feeling, or message....Information in the form of physical sensations, colors, shapes, or emotions may arise.

• Each morning for a minimum of 5 minutes (and up to 1/2 hour), find a quiet space just after you have risen to move your body slowly in gentle, circular movements. Move only to "the soft edge". This is not a stretch and should not bring you into pain. Circle the ankles, wrists, shoulders, rib cage, hips, neck and head listening for soft sensations, the movement and sound of your breath. Be aware that seemingly random images, colors, emotions, thoughts or rhythms may arise. Try not to grab anythihng with your mind or follow it. If some of these arise, allow yourself to be receptive, to feel and allow each to rise and to fall.

Comment Section is at the bottom of this page if you'd like to share something you experienced during the work!

November 11, 2024

Meeting our Internal 'Ohana at the Center of Our Universe

Today we dove into the Ancient Principle that each of us exist at the Center of our Universe. Discover how this helps us to reclaim all of our Mana (energy) and reconnects us with all of Life.


• Spend some time meeting and listening to your internal 'ohana, using the experiencial method we explore in the video. Choose the emotions and challenges that are arising now. Become quiet. Open the Cosmos within and bring the emotion or situation to mind. The rest is all feeling:  feel where this arises in your body as sensation, shape, movement, rhythm, texture, vibration, density, lightness, heat, cold, undulation, stillness....etc. Be with it as a feeling and notice if it changes. There is no one 'proper' direction of the change - it may get larger, harder, stronger etc. It may get softer, smaller, lighter, more open. Or it may change to a completely different sensation / set of sensations, or dissolve altogether. Let all of this unfold inside of you as you allow yourself to feel and be in discovery, not expectation.

• You are also welcome, before you go to bed, to invite the members of your Internal 'Ohana you identified today, to come closer to you and to tell you more about themselves. You may have a dream, or wake up with a feeling, or message....Information in the form of physical sensations, colors, shapes, or emotions may arise.

• Continue the movement practice, again, just feeling. Each morning for a minimum of 5 minutes (and up to 1/2 hour), find a quiet space just after you have risen to move your body slowly in gentle, circular movements. Move only to "the soft edge". This is not a stretch and should not bring you into pain. Circle the ankles, wrists, shoulders, rib cage, hips, neck and head listening for soft sensations, the movement and sound of your breath. Be aware that seemingly random images, colors, emotions, thoughts or rhythms may arise. Try not to grab anything with your mind or follow it. If some of these arise, allow yourself to be receptive, to feel and allow each to rise and to fall.

Comment Section is at the bottom of this page if you'd like to share something you experienced during the work!

November 15, 2024

Deeper into our Internal 'Ohana?

Today we found deeper kaona of our Internal 'Ohana. We explored the difference between our 'learned' worldview and the innate force of our Natural Selves (The Mystery) of which we are made!


• Spend some time meeting and listening to your internal 'ohana, using the experiencial method we explore in the video. Choose the emotions and challenges that are arising now. Become quiet. Open the Cosmos within and bring the emotion or situation to mind. The rest is all feeling:  feel where this arises in your body as sensation, shape, movement, rhythm, texture, vibration, density, lightness, heat, cold, undulation, stillness....etc. Be with it as a feeling and notice if it changes. There is no one 'proper' direction of the change - it may get larger, harder, stronger etc. It may get softer, smaller, lighter, more open. Or it may change to a completely different sensation / set of sensations, or dissolve altogether. Let all of this unfold inside of you as you allow yourself to feel and be in discovery, not expectation.

• You are also welcome, before you go to bed, to invite the members of your Internal 'Ohana you identified today, to come closer to you and to tell you more about themselves. You may have a dream, or wake up with a feeling, or message....Information in the form of physical sensations, colors, shapes, or emotions may arise.

• Continue the movement practice, again, just feeling. Each morning for a minimum of 5 minutes (and up to 1/2 hour), find a quiet space just after you have risen to move your body slowly in gentle, circular movements. Move only to "the soft edge". This is not a stretch and should not bring you into pain. Circle the ankles, wrists, shoulders, rib cage, hips, neck and head listening for soft sensations, the movement and sound of your breath. Be aware that seemingly random images, colors, emotions, thoughts or rhythms may arise. Try not to grab anything with your mind or follow it. If some of these arise, allow yourself to be receptive, to feel and allow each to rise and to fall.

Comment Section is at the bottom of this page if you'd like to share something you experienced during the work!

November 22, 2024

Internal Navigation • Everything is Connected to Everything Else

Today we reported on discoveries we made from the homework of depicting our Internal 'Ohana in artwork, as well as the homework of 'Gentle Circular Motion' with the body. We explored new horizons of experience, navigation and often, wonderment! The Ancient Indigenous principle that Life is intimately connected with itself on all levels was introduced.


• Please continue with the homework practices which have already been shared:
• Spend some time meeting and listening to your internal 'ohana, using the experiencial method we explore in the video. Choose the emotions and challenges that are arising now. Become quiet. Open the Cosmos within and bring the emotion or situation to mind. The rest is all feeling:  feel where this arises in your body as sensation, shape, movement, rhythm, texture, vibration, density, lightness, heat, cold, undulation, stillness....etc. Be with it as a feeling and notice if it changes. There is no one 'proper' direction of the change - it may get larger, harder, stronger etc. It may get softer, smaller, lighter, more open. Or it may change to a completely different sensation / set of sensations, or dissolve altogether. Let all of this unfold inside of you as you allow yourself to feel and be in discovery, not expectation.

• You are also welcome, before you go to bed, to invite the members of your Internal 'Ohana you identified today, to come closer to you and to tell you more about themselves. You may have a dream, or wake up with a feeling, or message....Information in the form of physical sensations, colors, shapes, or emotions may arise.

• Continue the movement practice, again, just feeling. Each morning for a minimum of 5 minutes (and up to 1/2 hour), find a quiet space just after you have risen to move your body slowly in gentle, circular movements. Move only to "the soft edge". This is not a stretch and should not bring you into pain. Circle the ankles, wrists, shoulders, rib cage, hips, neck and head listening for soft sensations, the movement and sound of your breath. Be aware that seemingly random images, colors, emotions, thoughts or rhythms may arise. Try not to grab anything with your mind or follow it. If some of these arise, allow yourself to be receptive, to feel and allow each to rise and to fall.

New Homework:

• If you feel drawn, place the artwork of your internal 'ohana under your bed for at least a few nights and notice what you notice in yourself.

• Practice noticing the spaces between. Open to the space between:

- breaths

- movement
- ideas (thoughts)
- visual field

- etc.

For the visual field, practice the exercise of 'diffuse gazing' when you can. It's an easy one to do anywhere you are 'waiting'.

• Write (with your non-dominant hand) a few paragraphs on 'The Space Between'.  This can denote feelings and sensations when you are in this space, or you may ask these spaces to speak and write from this perspective.

Comment Section is at the bottom of this page if you'd like to share something you experienced during the work!

November 29, 2024

Center of the Center • Life Meeting Life

Today we reported on experiences & discoveries during the week. We explored the Kaona of the Center of our Universe and the often difficult task of meeting all that arises in us — especially in turbulent times.


Being the final class, there was not really any homework perse from today. As this is an experiential pathway, rather than a theoretical one, you may be well served to continue the explorations of movement, meeting the spaces in between and internal navigation.

Please feel free to share in the Comment Section below. I am available for any questions via email as you continue the exploration. Mahalo for your presence!

"Heaven is here when I remember that I am Life
And that All Life is my Family"