Transmuting Chaos • Pre-Recorded
Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World
We are living in a world that seems to be exploding with polarity, intolerance, pain & instability on many levels. It can be easy to become ovwhelmed and at a loss as to how to help.
Ancient Wisdom guides us to step outside of our habitual perspective and into a deep connection with the Living Universe inside of ourselves — the place which shares resonance with all of Life. Through enetering this potenet inner space, we can come face to face with the origins of conflict in ourselves and on our planet, and dissolve them. We can begin to unwind, on a vibrational level, the seeds of war, hatred, starvation and homelessness in our outer world.
According to Ancient Wisdom, we are more than who we know ourselves to be. We are the vibrating Universe. The wisdom teachings of Ke Ala Hōkū — The Pathway to the Stars guide us, in practical and profound ways, to meet the resonant field of our internal world as the living being that it is. These 5 classes will help you to uncover a new world within yourself, learn new ways to navigate conflict, and restore Harmony.
Activate your Ancient Heart of Peace, for the benefit of yourself and all beings..
Enjoy 5 potent classes which include:
• Navigational Principles outlined by Jody
• Deeper insight brought about by personal experiences & questions
• Homework assignments designed to help you embody the Principles
Kaona of our Resonant Field
Ancient Wisdom shows us that we are a compilation of many layers of frequency emmitted by our bodies, thoughts, memories, sensations, movement,and even our expectations, hopes and dreams. We will identify and experience the various levels (kaona) of how we generate our Resonant Field and how this can conflict with our life experience.
We will open to discover our unconscious habits and belief systems, and how they support or dis-empower us in our daily lives.
Meeting our Internal ‘Ohana (Family)
Just as the Ancients viewed the natural world as members of their family, so too is every aspect of our internal world. Every thought, emotion, perception, sensation and memory (among others) are members of our Internal 'Ohana. We will take the time to welcome these as living beings and discover more of who we are.
We will open to discover how we have come to arrange our internal ‘Ohana, and what effects this has had on our life and on our Resonant Field. We will dive into the connection of patterning in our families of origin and ancestries and how we relate with our human ‘Ohana on many levels.
Meeting The Head of The Household
We will begin a process of exploring our preconceived ideas of our ‘Higher Self’, ‘Light Body’, ‘Spirit’ or ‘Soul’ and other ways of connecting with Spirit, and discovering what the Ancients knew as 'The Sacred Within'. It is an innate part of who we are and is with us wherever we go. We will learn to reconnect with our embodied Light and allow it more freedom in our internal world. What parts of this being have been limited according to our definitions around what is sacred and holy?
We open to a new relationship with Life Force.
Ancient Navigation
Ww will discover the invaluable tools of navigating the Interal 'Ohana, cultivating our Head of Household and moving in harmony with an inevitably undulating life. We will look at ways of embodying and integrating our connection with our Head of Household as well as ways to expand this being as our new ‘default setting’. When we can naturally respond to daily life with Life Itself, rather than our programmed responses, we can inhabit more freedom, choice, and the magic of endless possibility in our lives.
We will open to the restorative practice of how to meet and dissolve internal conflict.
Embodying The Ancient Heart of Peace
We will explore the relationship between our Resonant Field, our immediate world and the world at large. We will work with specific tools to meet the roots of discord at their place of origin and engage in the art of Ho'oponopono — igniting balance, harmony and peace. These practices offer ancient pathways, hidden within us, to facilitate the healing of our planet.
We will open to new ways of seeing that are beyond the limitations of polarity.
"Heaven is here when I remember that I am Life
And that All Life is my Family"