Details • March 30th - April 1st, 2020

Join Jody for Embodiment Training which brings our awareness into alignment with our intrinsic Wholeness. We will engage in the practices of .

• Ho’omanamana — A gentle physical practice which helps to open the channels from the wisdom of the body to the mind and free old patterns of holding in the body/mind.
• Ka’alele ‘au — A mystical movement meditation in which we step into the shape, motion and resonance Infinity. This dance like motion raises our 'internal speed' and enhances our conscious connection with Life.
• Ho’oponopono — A meeting of our internal and external family in a Sacred Circle created to invite acceptance of all. We will engage in Living Prayer to restore harmony, forward movement and communion with The Great Mystery within and without.

Take 3 Sacred Days to make "Every Breath, a Prayer"

Purchase Now for $270for sliding scale options email