Available Offerings
Book By Jody Mountain Now Available!
Ke Ala Hōkū — The Pathway to the stars
Awakening the ancient soul of the body
The author offers some of her experience on this ancient pathway through studies with her teacher, Kahu Abraham Kawai'i — a Hawaiian Kahuna who chose to open his wisdom to those outside of his culture.
Available on Amazon worldwide.
Student Portal
Ongoing, Monthly Subscription, Cancel Anytime.
This subscription is for students who have taken face to face trainings with Jody Mountain and Lineage of Light, and are wanting to benefit from on-going access to a wide range of online resources to stay connected with, and deepen in the work.
The main content is a Weekly Guided Meditation Journey, plus you also get access to Bodywork Tutorials, Ho'oponopono Sessions, Ho'omanaana Classes and more!
-- Sign up is restricted to those who have previously taken face to face training with Jody.
'Fly into 2025!'
Join us on Wednesday, January 1 to ignite our resonance through the mystical movement of Ka'alele 'au, or Flying. Join us as we raise our Internal Speed, Awareness and Presence, creating a fertile space for the best of 2025 to emerge through us!
Strengthen your resonant field and accelerate your forward movement in life on all levels.
—Open to everyone • By Donation
Transmuting Chaos • Recorded 5-Class Series
Ancient principles of Internal Navigation.
Ancient Wisdom tells us that we are not separate from the whole. Each of us are like notes vibrating within a great choir. What we are vibrating is felt throughout the field. By cultivating more harmony within, we are offering more harmony to our world.
The wisdom of Ke Ala Hōkū — The Pathway to The Stars, offers us practical ways to transmute the conflicts in our system and refine our Essential Resonance.
This 5-Class Series was recorded in November of 2024. I invite you to experience a potent journey which will guide us to cultivate a world of healing and compassion within and without.
Registration is open to all.

Living In Wonder
21-Day Video Course
Join Jody Mountain in a potent exploration of the path of 'Ke Ala Hōkū — The Pathway to the Stars. This rare and Ancient body of work came to her through Kahu Abraham Kawai'i, a Hawaiian Kahuna. The work assists us in unwinding our complex conceptual mind, to begin to restore our natural relationship with Life Iself.
We tend to grow up thinking that 'the world is as it is', while in actual fact, the world is as we perceive it. Indigenous mind awareness brings us into an expanded experience of ourselves and the world around us. In this 21-day course, you will receive a 10-15 minute video each day with Ancient Wisdom Teachings from this expansive body of work.
The principles give us an opportunity to transform embedded patterns of perception and behavior and allow the language of Life to speak through us. We learn how to cultivate new ways of seeing and being, putting us in deeper connection with our essential resonance and restoring our experience of life as an ever-deepening practice of Aloha.
-- Registration open to everyone

Staying In Motion • Ho'omanamana Series
Start off the New Year with a new commitment to your vital well-being! Join Jody Mountain for Ho'omanamana — a gentle movement modality which enhances deep listening in the body. This weekly class will take place over 4 Mondays in January, 2023. Ho'omanamana is a transformative practice of Ke Ala Hōkū — The Pathway to The Stars, bringing us to the meeting place of matter and Spirit.
Refine your ability to practice embodied listening and transmute discord into inner and outer Strength, Flexibility and Expanded Awareness.
—Registration Open To Everyone
Restoring Our Natural Abundance
Those of us on a Spiritual Path can often feel conflicted living in the midst of a paradigm that glorifies money as the source of survival and success. We have been programmed to believe that the dominant paradigm is in control. Ancient Wisdom guides us to a Source of navigating that shines from a different place and opens us to possibilities we cannot even imagine.
Join Jody and Lineage of Light for a Journey of unwinding our old beliefs around money, abundance and support, and step into the Natural Order of Life — Infinite Flow.
You are the endless Abundance that you are seeking. Let the transmutation of Ancient Wisdom awaken in you and open the way.
—Registration Open To Everyone
Meditation Journeys of Embodiment
We humans are a crucible of Spirit. Our ethereal Life is not only in our ideas of The Sacred, but in our tissues, cells and bones. We are Creation ignited in form.
Join Jody Mountain on a series of Guided Meditation Journeys that allow us to drop below the mind, and into The Body Consciousness. Experience a variety of potent pathways to unfold in you, bring you below the conscious mind, and into the resonance of the embodied Mystery that you are.
-- Click below to sample a FREE Embodiment Journey!
Package of 3 also available.
The Body Consciousness Training
9 Week Self-Directed Online Course
The Body Consciousness Training is a program which brings us into contact with the Ancient Wisdom in our bodies, showing us that every aspect of ourselves is Alive.
The Body Consciousness Training gives us an opportunity to approach our bodies in a new way — a way which brings recognition to our essential Life Force.
This 9-Week Course will ask you to slow down, listen with a refined attention, and allow new perceptions to unfold. It is a journey of exploration, discovery and wonder.
-- Registration open to everyone
A Different Way of Being in the World
A 4 Part Dialogue Series
with jody Mountain and Jeff Carreira
Join Writer & Meditation Master, Jeff Carreira in a series of deeply potent conversations with Jody Mountain introducing ancient, yet radically new perspectives on the nature of our existence as human beings. Ancient Lomi Lomi offers new ways of coming into alignment with Spirit through our cellular consciousness.
Discover how to move through old patterning and ideas of who we have known ourselves to be, and into a new paradigm. We invite you to journey with us into an embodied consciousness which expands to our communion with all of Life.
-- Registration open to everyone
Ancient Navigation
A FREE Video Series with jody Mountain
-- Registration open to everyone
Transformational Tools
A variety of tools enliven your awareness.
This is a free resource collection for everyone to browse, offering a variety of tools that you can acquire, to enliven your awareness with color, poetry, scent & resonance.
These are specially chosen tools that I use or have used, in alignment with the work of Ancient Lomi Lomi. I hope you will find that they contribute to your expansion and well-being on the Journey.
-- Available for all. No charge to view.
Videos To Inspire
This is a free resource for everyone to browse. Enjoy live introductory videos, hands-on demonstrations and insights into deeper aspects of the work such as our Internal 'Ohana (Family), 'Kahuna Navigation' and expanding our Resonance.
-- Available for all. No charge to view.